Absence from Work: WSIB (Workplace Safety Insurance Board)
This page covers absences related to leaves that would be covered under the Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) due to a work-related injury. Please contact our office for advice as every case is different and OSSTF wants to ensure you are supported throughout the entire process.
What is WSIB?
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) is an employer-funded system of compensation benefits available to workers who are injured on the job or become ill because of the job. Under the system employees can be compensated by the WSIB if they sustain “a personal injury by accident arising out of and in the course of employment.”
What To Do If You Have Sustained a Work-Related Injury or Illness?
1. Use the Accident/Incident online reporting tool on the Board website which informs the Principal and Human Resources of the injury. This form which the Board has to report to WSIB indicates the date, time, nature of accident, body parts affected and witnesses. Human Resources will complete a Form 7 (Employer’s Report of Injury/Disease) and forward it to WSIB and should send you a copy.
2. In order for a workplace injury or illness to be compensable by WSIB beyond the day of the accident/incident, medical attention needs to have been sought. If your family doctor is not available, go to the emergency department. You must inform the physician that it is a work-related injury/illness. The doctor will fill in a Form 8 (Health Professional Form) and forward it to the WSIB.
3. You may be requested to complete a Form 6 (Worker’s Report of Injury/ Disease) or a Worker’s Progress Report. Complete these forms in detail and return them to the WSIB as soon as possible.
4. Your claim will then be open once all three forms from above are completed and a claim number assigned.
5. Contact our office if needed so that we may assist you. Even though sharing medical documentation is completely optional, it is recommended you share copies of any documentation that has been forwarded to the WSIB.
Pay While on WSIB
The WSIB pays 85 per cent of your net average earnings while you are off. OSSTF has “top-up” provisions to ensure that 100 per cent of salary is covered with no deduction to sick leave while you are on approved WSIB. This means that your paycheques will not change at all and this 15% top-up from the Board can last up to 4.5 years.
Functional Abilities Form & Return to Work
The Functional Abilities Form (FAF) is a WSIB form that is used to try to determine what an employee is physically capable of doing and what limitations/restrictions are required to return to work. If requested by WSIB or when you are ready to return to work this form is the one to be used.
The Functional Abilities Form (FAF) should not provide the Board with a diagnosis but rather a list of limitations or restrictions that would assist in modifying work. If an employee’s physician believes that the worker is temporarily totally disabled, the physician should not list any restrictions on the FAF and should clearly indicate on the form that the employee is not ready to do any type of work at all. Many times there is gradual return to work (example mornings only) for a period of time to assist with recovery.
Return to Work Meeting
If a full return to work without accommodations is possible, there may not be a meeting, but if there is a gradual return to work or if there are other restrictions or accommodations there will be a meeting that involves you as the member, a D16 T/OT Office Representative, your Principal, the Board Case Manager and a WSIB Return to Work Specialist.​
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