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Conference Fundig
Branch Rebate

Member Engagement Funds

District 16 T/OT is committed to promoting member engagement throughout the district. Activities can be in-school social gatherings, off-site social events that help members better understand the workings of OSSTF, both provincially and in the District.  Any member can apply for use of these funds, but all requests must go to the Branch President.

If you would like to host a Member Engagement Activity for your school:

  • Guidelines Suggestions and a list of maximum funds per school for each semester.  The amounts vary depending on your schools FTE.

  • Poster To display at/during event where possible.

  • Application Form Please ensure your BP is aware that you are submitting an application.

  • Reimbursement Form To be completed only once per semester with itemized receipts. If you are hosting several smaller events, please save up your receipts until you maximize your allotted ME funds for the semester and submit them at one time.  

Conference Funding

District 16 T/OT is committed to the professional learning of our members.  Each year we offer up to $150/member towards the cost for workshops, training or conferences (offered outside of the board) from between July 1 and June 30 each year.  Information about application for this funding can be found on the Educational Services Committee Page.  Applications must be approved prior to incurring any expenses to ensure reimbursement.

Anti-Racism and Equity Funding

Provincial OSSTF is offering up to $400/member towards training: a workshop, conference or course with a focus on anti-racism or equity.  More information about this funding can be found on the Educational Services Committee Page.  Applications must be approved prior to incurring any expenses to ensure reimbursement.

Branch Rebate

Annually, each branch receives a small branch rebate cheque to help cover any costs to the Branch executive.  The funds will be sent out to the Branch President after the updated School Database Spreadsheet has been returned and updated into our system.  The rebate is calculated at $3 per member.  If you do not have a site based bank account, the cheque can be deposited by the BP or treasurer and keep track of expenses on a tracking sheet for accountability.  Here is a sample tracking sheet. 

Benevolence Fund

District 16 T/OT, as a union, are here to support all of our members.   This fund is to support members in emergency financial situations to support with basic needs.  Benevolence assistance usually relates to the basic needs of food, shelter and medical care and the assistance is designed to be on a one-time basis.  

If you are a member in need, or if you know of a member in need, please contact our District DEO by phone or email for support.  A confidential request will be presented to the executive for approval of the expenditure.

Excellence in Ed Grant

Our CPAC Committee (via Excellence in Education) provides grant money for projects that showcase the abilities and accomplishments of secondary school students in York Region within the community.  Each school can access up to $250.  If some schools do not access their funds, second requests from one school may be considered.

Additional information about application for this funding can be found on the Communications and Political Action Page.

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (December 6th)

Our Status of Women Committee provides grant money for displays or events that recognize and/or promote action on violence against women.   All requests and reimbursements for these funds must go through your Status of Women Committee Representative or your Branch President.
For more information, visit the Status of Women Committee Page.

Dec 6
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