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Personal Illness, Sick Leave and Bucket Day Graphics

Use this page to see an overview of your Personal Illness Days, Short-Term Disability Days, and Bucket Days.
The Collective Agreement is the key resource that outlines a members entitlements.

When in doubt, ask your Branch President or call the office.

Personal Illness and Bucket Day Entitlements

Guide to Sick Days.png

Bucket Days Usage

Bucket Days.png

Severe Weather Policy, formerly Inclement Weather policy

Review Board Severe Weather Policy Memo for more clarity and the most updated information. 
As per the board policy, there are three types of weather days:

  1. Extreme Cold:  Schools operate as normal, except student transportation is cancelled.

  2. Inclement Weather: Schools operate as normal, except student transportation is cancelled.  Staff are expected to attend their regular work location.  In the event this is not possible, they should attend an alternate YRDSB school and notify their administration.  If this is not possible, they must contact their administration to explain their efforts to attend.  If, in collaboration with the Superintendent, and administration it is determined that the staff member has not made sufficient efforts to report to their regular or an alternate work location, the employee will be informed that there may be a loss in pay. 

  3. Emergency Weather Day:  This is a system closure.  All schools, workplaces and board offices will be closed due to an extreme weather event.

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