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Who We Are

The Communications and Political Action Committee (CPAC) leads and encourages participation in political action events, including elections within their schools.  We also promote participation of schools in the provincial Student Achievement Awards and encourage schools to take advantage of the Excellence in Education Grant.  The committee contributes to planning ways to engage the membership, engage the community and bring us all together in solidarity.


#osstf #onted

Weekly Email: If you are not receiving our emails, please update your contact information.


Social Media: Be sure to follow us on at least one of our social media platforms.  On our socials you will find updates, reminders, and key events happing with our bargaining unit.  See the links at the top of the page to be directed to our platforms.

Provincial Updates: When Provincial OSSTF sends important memos or Bargaining updates, we will forward them along to members.  Timely items come in individual emails, other memos (known as DBUs) are linked in our weekly emails.   

Provincial Newsletter/Articles: Update is the official newsletter of OSSSTF.  You can read current and past articles here:

Excellence in Education Grant

The Excellence in Education Funding amount, of up to $250 per school, is available to OSSTF members in York Region on a first-come, first-served basis.   The purpose of this funding is to:

  • Highlight OSSTF D16 T/OT within the community.

  • Support and promote the outstanding work of educators in our system.

  • Showcase student work and achievement to the school community.

More information and examples can be found in our guidelines document.

Guidelines ~ Application form ~ Reimbursement request form
Photo release form (if submitting photos with students)
Sample Sponsorship Poster for Display

Student Achievement Awards

The Student Achievement Awards is a writing and creative arts competition, which is open to all public secondary school students in Ontario.  There are eleven categories and eleven prizes of $1000 each.  


Each year there is a new theme and some members in English and Art departments incorporate this opportunity into a class project, allowing the students to peer-review and select a class winner.  If you have any questions about this opportunity, please reach out to your school CPAC representative, the District 16 T/OT CPAC chair, or check out the OSSTF provincial resources for student achievement awards.


This years theme is: Is Anyone Out There?

This years deadline for submissions to be into the District 16 Office is November 15th, 2024.

Toronto-York Region Labour Council
OSSTF D16 T/OT is an affiliate of the Toronto-York Region Labour Council  The Labour Council is a central group for Labour Unions to organize collectively around a vision of economic and social justice.  The labour council will often amplify messages of political action events, election endorsements and organizes the Labour Day March in Toronto.  Check out their website and/or follow them on social media.


Ontario Federation of Labour


YRDSB Trustees


Labor Notes

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