Bargaining Unit Election
The District 16 T/OT Bargaining Unit (BU) Election will occur in odd-numbered years by an all member vote in the schools, following the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in May.
The positions which are elected for D16 Teachers at the meeting are for:
President [Time Release]
First Vice President [Time Release]
Vice President (3 positions)
Provincial Councillors (3 positions for 2023-2024 school year)
Note: The OT President is elected at the OT AGM
Information about each role can be found in our Constitution.
2023 Election Information
Important Dates:
Wed. Apr 19: Nominations Open
nominations must be submitted with the candidate media sheet
Tues. May 2: Nominations Close at 4:00pm
Thurs. May 11: Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Mon. May 15: In-school or Bargaining Unit Office voting
Tues. May 16: Results to Candidates (if not sooner)​
2023 Self-Nominations
Members are strongly encouraged to prepare a one-page 8.5x11 campaign media sheet which will be shared electronically with the membership. This must be submitted with the Nomination Form by the deadline. If you are having trouble uploading your media sheet to the nomination form, please ensure you complete the rest of the form by the deadline and email our DEO ASAP with your campaign media sheet.
Submissions are accepted from April 19 until nominations close at 4pm on Tues. May 2nd.
Candidates will be notified by Wed. May 3rd about next steps in the process, which can also be found in the Election Manual.
2023 Election Candidates
Provincial Councillors:
Jennifer Speiran ACCLAIMED
Blair Vowles ACCLAIMED
Treasurer Candidates:
Zena Karim​
Steve Pisecny
Vice President Candidates:
Click to view each campaign poster
Vice President Results:
499 Darryl Newbury
397 Michelle Arsenault
330 Ned Sharp
318 Michelle Benjamin
306 Zena Karim
231 Dawn Fovargue
Treasurer Results:
470 Zena Karim​
350 Steve Pisecny