Our Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a meeting held once a year, in the spring.
There is one AGM for Teachers, and another for Occasional Teachers (OTs).
ALL MEMBERS can attend and are able to vote.
The following 3 things make up the AGM.
Reports to Members
Annual Reports & Budget are shared at the AGM with updates from the District Executive Team. This includes an update on our spending for the year and a proposed budget for the next year.
Our Constitution is the established structure and rules that our local union created and follows. At the AGM, any proposed changes to this document, known as resolutions, are shared and debated and the members in attendance vote in favour or against the proposed changes.
Bargaining unit elections are held in odd numbered years.
Depending on the elections manual and process, there may be some aspect of the election discussed at the AGM.
Elections are held for the following positions: President, First Vice President, Vice Presidents (3), Provincial Councillors (2-3), and Treasurer.
The OT President is elected at the OT AGM.
How to Attend the AGM
1. Read the weekly emails sent from the district leading into the spring and watch for reminders about the upcoming AGM.
2. Check out the calendar on the homepage of the website and scroll into the spring to find the date for the current year's AGM.
How to Participate
1. Attend and participate in debate, ask questions and vote
2. Propose a resolution. There is a deadline and this must be done in advance. Seek support from the office if you need help.
3. Encourage other members to attend with you.